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Love Letters From Mary Magdalene: The Untold Tale of Her Life, Love & Legacy

By Dr. Heather Kristian Strang

Mary Magdalene writes in her 11th Love Letter to you…

“I reflect now as I write this love letter to you, of our warm summer nights dancing outside around a large bonfire, music and singing and all sorts of laughter enveloping us. I remember the outdoor wood stove we created for baking bread and the many delicious meals we all created and shared together.

I remember us spending time just be-ing with each other, in prayer and meditation and praying over the Earth and all of her inhabitants...I remember Yeshua and I witnessing generations of families born on our property and making their transition there as well.

New homes went up over the many decades that we lived there and our Golden Age spread further than we could have ever imagined in the early days of our landing in Southern France.

The visions were correct, Southern France’s land was receptive to us, as were its waters, and animal and plant life. The people were our family, and the pure vibration of joy and was felt far and wide.”

So, imagine now…what if the stories you’ve been told about Jesus and Mary Magdalene – both from religion and new age spirituality – weren’t the full story?

And what if their true story could help you have a richer experience in your life, now?

The knowledge contained within Love Letters from Mary Magdalene runs counter to every story you've ever been told about Mary Magdalene, Yeshua and their life together. It also holds within it the ecstatic opportunity to transform your own life into a higher octave of Love and Joy through the power of The Way that Mary and Yeshua embodied and taught.

In Love Letters from Mary Magdalene: The Untold Tale of Her Life, Love & Legacy, you’ll find 22 love letters that Mary Magdalene wrote to you to set the record straight about her life, her Love with Yeshua (the one known as Jesus Christ) and the legacy they set into motion over 2,000 years ago – including what you have to do with all of it.

Mary Magdalene holds nothing back in these 22 love letters, giving you the real, raw truth of her final incarnation on Earth.

Here’s a fraction of what you’ll uncover:

  • Who that mysterious man was by her side throughout Southern France

  • The exact Way MM and Yeshua prepared for their children

  • What really happened with Pontius Pilate

  • The truth on whether MM was a sexual priestess, or not

  • How MM and Yeshua made their transition

  • How you can walk your most aligned path in this incarnation as MM did

  • What went down in the cave MM reportedly spent 30 years in

  • Where the original Book of Love written by MM and Yeshua now resides …and so much more.

Love Letters from Mary Magdalene will have you gasping in surprise with the turn of every page as you discover the untold tale of Mary and Yeshua’s journey together – and what it means for you, in your life, now.

See what others are saying…

"Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, pioneers of the New Earth, reveal how we can break free of the control system and build a world based on love and freedom. Love Letters from Mary Magdalene is a valuable and unique contribution to the crucial project of restoring Mary to her rightful place as a powerful spiritual teacher and leader. An old story reimagined to shed light on the current times." - Emily Trinkaus, Astrologer & Writer "An extremely moving and mystical story of Kristian Strang’s journey with Mary Magdalene. Her earlier years have obviously prepared her for a life of writing on behalf of many ‘others.’ Never has this story been told with such freshness, intensity and power. Thank you Kristian, for ploughing all your energy into the call of Our Lady." - Aletheia Sophia, Author of The Grail King and many other books "Love Letters from Mary Magdalene is a book that demonstrates the power of love and what’s possible when one lives a divinely-led life. Through the format of channeled love letters from Mary Magdalene, Dr. Kristian Strang offers a new way to see the story of Yeshua and Magdalene—one that empowers you to choose your own narrative, no longer distorted by the religious matrix or other indoctrinated belief systems that aren't truly yours to begin with. This is a book I will return to again and again to allow its wisdom to gently infuse my being over time. It offers an opportunity to go deep within and discover how my own spiritual nature is a vital part of who I am, how I can continue to distill and claim my own truth, and trust in my belonging to life and love." - Astara J. Ashley, CEO, Publisher, Book Midwife of Flower of Life Press


Dr. Heather Kristian Strang is a mystic, metaphysical psychologist and a bestselling author. She’s written 11 books in the genres of visionary fiction, paranormal romance, and channeled message Oracles—basically, everything she loves, she writes about!

Kristian has been featured in a variety of publications and as a featured speaker on a number of podcasts and summits, including her own podcast, Awakening: The Podcast. When she’s not doing all of that, you’ll find her dance-walking on the Oregon Coast or baking it up in the kitchen for her high-vibe nutrition blog, Metaphysical Menu.

You can also receive free meditations and transmissions from Dr. Kristian at:


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Los Angeles, CA


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