Karen Hill Anton wrote the column “Crossing Cultures” for The Japan Times, Japan’s oldest and largest English-language newspaper, for fifteen years. She lectures internationally on her experience of cross-cultural adaptation, and raising four bilingual, bicultural children.
Karen was invited to serve on the Internationalization and Society Advisory Council of Prime Ministers Keizō Obuchi and Ryutaro Hashimoto. She has consulted for global corporations in Tokyo, and coached senior executives in the financial, pharmaceutical and software industries.
Karen has practiced Japanese calligraphy for more than 40 years, attaining second-degree mastery. She is a devoted student of Hula, and enjoys swimming, and knitting. Originally from New York City, she has lived with her husband William Anton in the rural province of Shizuoka Japan since 1975.
Karen Hill Anton is the author of the widely acclaimed memoir The View From Breast Pocket Mountain, winner of the Memoir Magazine 2022 Grand Prize. Her novel A Thousand Graces comes out in January 2023.
Learn more at KarenHillAnton.com.